Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Richelda.Com @ Supreme Court of the Philippines Baguio City

taken on 25th of March 2010 at the Supreme Court of the Philippines,Baguio City, and the Death March Protest of the IBP Baguio-Benguet Chapter boils down to this question

Is the appointment of the next chief justice covered by the election ban?

The Supreme Court's promulgation last March 17,2010 of its decision in Arturo M. de Castro Vs Judicial and Bar Council,et al.produced more heated debates on both the legal and political implications of the ruling. (IBP's The Bar TRibune,April 2010,pages 6,7) Atty. Roberto Rafael V. Lucila,President Asia Pacific Bar Association tackled the opinion of Justice Arturo D. Brion and Atty.Peter Irving C. Corvera,President IBP PPLM Chapter said "Sed qui cuslodiet ipsos custodies? ("But who is to guard the guardian themselves?") see more videos of the death march at http://baguio.biz and my facebook.com/richelda.estrada for rare pictures Death March

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